Klipsun Magazine

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Video: Motion Extraction

By Ross Osborne

A little while ago I stumbled across a style of editing video that extracts only the motion of what's being filmed. By using video editing software to only show what pixels have changed in time on a set duration, an entirely new world of visual life appears. This generally requires a stable camera, as any minuscule movement will be picked up, including wind pushing a camera or even footsteps on concrete. Any vibrations can be picked up and presented crystal clear. If the subject is something like a cloud, the duration of change may be something along the lines of 5 5-second or 10-second difference. Whereas fast motion such as raindrops hitting the surface of water or leaves swaying in the wind, may only require one or two frames. Once this extraction is to my liking, I can apply any effect to the revealed environment such as glow, or color change, allowing me to place the edited information back into the original video and have motion highlighted by a soft bright white glow as little white miners-lettuce flowers sway in the wind. It even allows the eye to see the patterns that the wind makes in tall grass or how it ripples off of water. 

This style of editing has allowed me to take simple fairly unimpressive videos and fully turn them into something truly surreal, having an entirely new world be revealed through only viewing what pixels have changed over time. A mishmash of light, time and color to reveal wonders.